• Hearts of Hackney Community Project

    Families, Youth and Children Initiative.


    As a church community, our mission is to work towards three main objectives over the next ten years:

    Racial Justice, Children and Youth, and Growing Leaders.


    We hope to see these in action as our congregation grows younger and larger in size, strength, and diversity.

    We will increase engagement with local communities and give opportunities for all to lead, develop, and grow.


    We understand we have an important role in our community as a place that reflects the diverse community of which we are a part, which cares for and provides for people young and old.


    Our collective passion within the Hearts of Hackney project is to form a prayer circle, a united front, to safeguard and empower the children and young people of Hackney. We strive to support parents and guardians, and to build a faith community that extends beyond the confines of Sunday worship.


    We aim to unite those who hold Hackney’s youth close to their hearts, providing the platform for our collective prayer initiative, facilitating dialogue with grassroots community leaders, and collaborating with organisations that are making a difference in the borough by actively guiding community members.

  • The NEED for PRAYER is NOW

    Welcome and, thank you for joining us, collectively forming a protective prayer circle around Hackney's families and children.

    broken image

    Download the booklet and pray with us every Thursday at 8 pm


    Pray from wherever you are, whether at home, at work or on the move.

    The important thing is that we join in prayer at the same time.


    Do you remember how we clapped for the NHS during lockdown?

    We can pray for our children in the same way to create a spirit of unity and love in Hackney.


    In-person sessions will be announced throughout the year.


    Our goal is not just to grow in faith individually but to connect as a ‘village’ of believers. We can strengthen our faith and support each other on our spiritual journeys. As the age-old saying goes, ‘It takes a village to raise a child.’.


    When we take responsibility to serve and protect one another and become keepers to our brothers and sisters, we unite in love and create an atmosphere conducive to progress—ultimately returning to

    the love God prescribes in his word.


    As believers and people of Faith, we have two powerful weapons: the word of God and prayer. We often forget the power of prayer, but we also know that when we join together, God will hear and answer our prayers.